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Whether you want to get a build started or have a question about our process, drop us a message below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Use the online order form or contact TW Smith directly via email or Instagram DM

Too many to name to name, if you need some guidance in this department see the order form.

Yes, however all specific customizations need to be discussed directly with TW Smith

A rough estimate is 8-10 months after being half paid.

You can request changes with TW Smith directly, as long as supplies for your particular build have not been ordered you most likely can make changes. Please note some changes may effect final cost.

Yes, although rates vary and will not be known until time of shipping.

TW Smith stands behind anything he builds and is not satisfied with less than 100% customer satisfaction. While there is no formal warrantee, if you are having an issue with something (which is extremely rare) you can always reach out to TW Smith.

You can not return or exchange a custom instrument if you are not satisfied with it as it was built to your specifications. TW Smith will make sure you WILL be satisfied with it before you receive it.